En Masse is an architecture and design collective creating inspired surroundings for a well-lived life.

Architecture, Branding, Naming, Strategy, Web Design

Year: 2021

Timeline: 1 year

Team Size: 5

En Masse logotype

Having grown into a multi-person company while developing its strong architectural perspective, Mike Shively Architecture approached us looking to realign their five year-old identity with their current studio vision through a brand new name and visual identity.

En Masse three brand principles: 1. Your in-the-know friend. 2. From meticulous details to the birds-eye-view. 3. Ever-evolving.

By first establishing the three brand principles above, we laid the foundation for exploring new names and visual identities. This provided guidance during the process of coming up with names that fit the client’s vision. Additionally, it was important to stand out from the competition by avoiding the common use of full names, “studio”, or “firm”.

Early name and logo drafts

Unused name and brand concepts.

En Masse logomark placed over building facade

The office facade is heavily influenced by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier, whose body of work serves as a frequent source of inspiration for En Masse.

The final name and identity work together to reflect the firm’s ethos. En Masse means “All Together”, a name with a dual meaning: alluding to their interior and exterior skillset (a rarity in the architecture industry) and their collaborative work process amongst the firm, their contractors, and their clients.

En Masse business card design
En Masse leave-behind booklet
En Masse desktop web design
En Masse construction sign